You book your spot on the digital Public Demonstration online with Helena by clicking the button below

A Public Demonstration is open to the public, where a larger number of people book themselves in and participates.

Welcome to an event together with your loved ones in Spirit! ❤️

Helena Lindblom is the medium and the gathering will contain laughter, tears and everything in between.  

It is so wonderful to get the opportunity to relay the connection and the love between the Spirit World and this physical world by the personal evidence that we need to understand that they truly have survived the physical death and are there.  

The gathering will contain evidential mediumship, which means that your loved ones in the Spirit World will, through the mediumship of Helena prove who they are.  This evidence might also be about the passing, their personality, their character, shared memories, personal interests or other things which could make them known to you.

They might also prove that they are still with us in our daily lives, by giving information about people or situations since their passing to Spirit.

As a participant of a demonstration you can send up a loving thought to your loved ones who you wish to be connecting to, buit still be open to others whom might wish to step forward and relay messages to you.

We also wish that you come to the demonstration with an open mind, a positive mindset and kindness in your heart, so everyone will have a wonderful evening.

This Public Demonstration is done digitally online.  Link will be sent out to you a few days in advance.

A medium's task is to give personal evidence that life continues after the so-called physical death

  • Our soul lives on and through the connection with our loved ones who have transitioned to the Spirit World before us, a medium can relay personal evidence about them so we understand that this is how it works
  • A medium is not there to predict the future, since nothing is cast in stone. We have a great personal responsibility of our own lives and how we choose to live it
  • Our loved ones in Spirit would like to relay that they have made the journey over to the etheric world and that they are fine. They also like to make sure that we who are left behind are fine as well, and they often like to give a few tips and ideas of how we can think or where we can look to get perspective on things
  • They cannot and will not tell us what to do or how to think but would like to cheer us up and spur us on I record the sitting so that you can listen to it at a later date if you wish to do so

Public Demonstration: 20 euro
Normally about 2 hours.  You pay when you book your spot. 

This demonstration is done digitally online.

You book your spot on the public demonstration by clicking the button below.