Here is a simple meditation exercise for you who are new to meditation

It is first and foremost to be able to learn to relax and to 'sit with yourself' for a while.

Meditation gives well-being and relaxation.

You can choose to attend a course where you can learn all the tools for good meditation.

But if you would like to try it yourself then all you need is 30 minutes of Peace and quiet and a comfortable chair or armchair. Put a pillow behind your back and/or a blanket on top of you if you wish. The aim here is to be as comfortable as you can without falling asleep.

Put aside a minimum of 20 - 30 minutes a day.

Preparations for meditation:

  • Choose the time of the day when you have the greatest chance of being alone.  Find a quiet place in your home - a place where you will not be disturbed
  • Turn your phone off or in flight mode
  • It is a really good idea to use the same place every time you meditate since it can increase the effect since the brain then gets into the habit of relaxing when you sit down there
  • If it starts itching, aching or feeling awkward, then move a little and sit back once again in a comfortable position - in this way, you have the quickest way to come back into this relaxed condition you were in before

Now we start the Meditation practice:

  • Close your eyes gently just as when you are to go to sleep and put your hands in your lap 
  •  Pull your shoulders right up to your ears and then relax them and let go. Your hands will now fall into a comfortable position, where it is natural for you to have them 
  • Concentrate your attention on your breathing. Breathe through your nose and gradually deeper using your diaphragm, and let your breathing come to a natural rhythm. Spend a few minutes doing this  
  • If thoughts, worries, or other distractions come into your mind, let them come forward and then just in your mind release them so you can come back to focus on your breathing again. This is very natural in the beginning, so do not be upset if this happens to you. Everyone goes through this and the more you practice - the easier it gets to stay focused on your breathing.
  • Continue to relax more and more for each breath you take. Keep focus on your breathing, how the air is filling your lungs, all the way down into your belly, and then released out again. All this in a natural rhythm and where you breathe through your nose 
  • Feel how you are starting to relax.
  • Continue for as long as you wish, while you are in harmony with your breathing  
  • When it is time to come back you take a few deep breaths, move your hands and feet and open your eyes carefully  
  • This is a quite simple but very effective meditation technique that you can do yourself

I have written a book on learning to Meditate.  It is very informative with facts, knowledge and with different meditations.

Learn to Meditate is a step-by-step guide to meditation. Here I will walk you through it so you will understand what it is, and how to do it, without all the fluff around it.

I am reading this book, as well as guiding you through all the different meditations, step-by-step.  

This is a complete book on meditation for you who wish to learn to meditate without all the fluff.  

 If you feel that you would like to attend a course in meditation, we do these on a regular basis. It is open to all and you do not have to know how to meditate in advance.

If you wish to read a book on meditation or listen to an audiobook, you can go to our web shop to find out how you can purchase or download your copy of our ook “Let’s Meditate; an easy step-by-step guide to achieve inner Peace and wellbeing”